
If Ross had come out and said, “put LSD all in her champagne,” I doubt the song would have even made it onto the shelf. The term “molly,” another word for ecstasy, explains why some people not well-versed in slang might miss the date rape reference.

Magazines like Essence and Ebony, both of which are black female interest publications, were created because of the lack of black representation in mainstream media. The articles found within the pages of these magazines are completely different from those in Glamour and Cosmo, and for the right reasons. Who else will report on the specific minority issues faced by black women if not black women themselves?

Our online culture currently supports pro anorexic and bulimic behaviour—called pro-ana and pro-mia sites—and thin inspiration websites. Our society’s obsession with people’s outward appearance is harmful to our own well-being. Whatever happened to just eating right and exercising? Whatever happened to caring more about who people are on the inside than what they look like? There’s a reason eating disorders are on the rise among young people, and a lot has to do with our fat-shaming culture.

In his book, Gray attempts to break down gender differences in simplistic and non-scientific ways; for example, he says, “Men need to learn to listen” and “Women deal with stress by talking with each other.”

Sounds simple, right? But science wouldn’t be so quick to reduce gender to a simple catchphrase or rudimentary rules of thumb.

There are many who believe that romance novels are the trashy reality TV shows of the literary world, and that may be—but just like Honey Boo Boo draws in millions of viewers weekly, a good Harlequin will keep most anyone coming back for more.

I’m not trying to imply that the guy selling you your bag of chips and chocolate milk is corrupt and untrustworthy; after all, corner stores have been selling tobacco products for a long time and they seem to be doing fine at that. But taking the power out of the hands of a regulated liquor control board seems to me about as smart an idea as taking the police off a case they are the best qualified to solve.

“It’s hard being a student today. There are just way too many expenses, and scholarships and bursaries can be so fickle,” said Banks. “If only students could shift their energy into finding money instead of earning it, we’d have a lot less financially troubled students.”

“It’s a problem we all face time and time again: how do we protect ourselves from shade? It was clear to us that too much shade was being thrown. Good, honest, hardworking people needed a way to protect themselves, and the sun just wasn’t making the cut,” said Ali.

I would lament to others what a bad job our school did at promoting school spirit and how little unity there was on campus. I wanted U of O to break through my better judgment and inspire a passion within me that no “Hung like a Gee-Gee” T-shirt ever could… I don’t feel that way anymore

I send out the following message to those grumpy people who seem to feel entitled to complain endlessly about this bout of nasty weather: Please stop. We are all travelling on the bus with you; we all have chunks of snow dripping into our socks; if you look closely, you will see that our eyelashes are just as frozen as yours. Snow, like death, unites all people.

IT’S A QUESTION that never seems to get answered: Who should have the right to bear arms? The question is hotly contested on a near-nightly basis by some of the big-name newsmakers in the United States, but many Canadians have weighed in on the topic as well. Here, two writers with very different opinions share their thoughts on the right to bear arms.

… somehow after four years, Johnson found herself almost $40,000 in debt. This tragedy has rocked our nation and has made headlines all over national news. In a brave and bold move, Johnson has granted the Fulcrum an interview to speak about her ordeal.

“After countless testimonies and much evidence from both schools, it became unquestionably obvious that the University of Ottawa was far greater than Carleton University. Ottawa U proved to be historically better in several critical categories, including the overall good looks of students, the quality of their taste in all things, and of course general cleanliness and smell.”

If you’re not going to show up at group meetings or you intend on doing only the bare minimum, I can deal with that. But showing your face on the day our project is handed back and treating me like your best buddy is just a slap in the face.

With quality TV programming like Full House and YTV’s Hit List; dial-up modems; music from Nirvana, Alanis Morissette, and Britney Spears; and fashion greats—who needed a belt, when you had a sweater to tie around your waist?—the ‘90s were years like no other.

I slump lower in my seat and avoid eye contact. Shrinking my body, I lower my gaze to the scribbled notes in front of me, trying to look extremely preoccupied by what I have just written. My feigned attempts are hopeless: out of the 300-something students in the room, the prof is staring at me.

“If nothing else, supply prospective students with all the information they need to make their education decisions—and let that information guide university policy. Graduates will be best able to service the needs of the labour market if we can be confident we are earning degrees in high-demand fields, and program selection and admissions should reflect those realities.”

Unfortunately, the art of daydreaming has long been considered a trivial pursuit for time-wasters. But by analyzing daydreaming from a different perspective, it becomes evident that mentally checking out is not just something slackers do—it’s a proactive and healthy activity.

“Each category’s winners will be chosen based on specific and impartial qualifications. Acting categories will now be decided based on four criteria: the age of the actor, how many previous unsuccessful nominations the actor has received, the quality of the Hollywood parties thrown on behalf of the actor, and whether or not the actor has ever played a historically important American political figure,” said Lanley.

We’re all fat. At least that’s what mainstream media would like us to believe, bombarding us with images of size two models or men with ripped eight-packs in commercials asking us to pay for a gym membership.

The Rideau Centre is preparing to undergo a $250-million facelift over the next couple of years, and although shopaholics might be pleased, most students shouldn’t be. The shopping mall is looking to bring in some new stores, and I fear they’re not the kind students will be able to afford.

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