
The Fulcrum investigates whether it’s worth it to bus the extra mile to save a dime Map: Reine Tejares As all broke students know, sometimes it’s worth it to put in the effort to keep within budget. Whether it’s scrolling through hundreds of posts on the “Textbook exchange” groups on Facebook to avoid spending $100 on …

Cooking demonstrations were hosted by top Canadian chefs, including Lynn Crawford and Michael Blackie. Renowned food vendors such as Meatings BBQ Catering, OCCO Kitchen and The Works served up bacon-centric treats from special menus made just for the festival. Meatings bacon-filled menu featured a bacon donut with whiskey maple syrup, and a grilled peanut butter and jam sandwich stuffed with maple bacon.

But eating well doesn’t have to be that difficult or time-consuming. A few nights a week, set aside an hour or two to make yourself a delicious dinner. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just something that you take a bit of time to prepare and enjoy.

It always begins with having to mention to your friends that you have celiac disease, and can’t eat wheat, and therefore cannot eat at most restaurants. There are only so many times you can make your group of friends go for Thai food or all-you-can-eat sushi before you develop a guilt complex. So you say, “It’s OK, I’m sure they have salads,” which is even worse because you end up at a restaurant with nothing to eat but lettuce.

Local food also seems to always pack a flavourful punch incomparable to the imported and GMO products we find at grocery stores. Perhaps it’s merely a psychological effect, but consuming local food usually leaves me more satisfied and full, not to mention with a heightened sense of moral contentment.

I have come to accept that I am an emotional eater. I eat when I’m stressed, and with school, life, and all the big things that accompany them, I find comfort in food. For some reason, shoving food in my mouth makes my body feel like everything is A-OK, but it’s not.

In a larger sense, Starbucks epitomizes North American food culture in the 21st century. It’s modern, hip, and allows customers to personalize their order from an extensive menu selection. It also professes to use the best, high-quality ingredients and to conduct its business responsibly and ethically.

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