Jesse Colautti

Journalists and psychologists have started talking about FOMO as a new type of social disorder—a consequence of the social media age.

This summer I’m saying fuck it to slaving away and missing all the fun. If I want to take the full 12 days of Bluesfest off, I’m doin’ it.

Allan Stone, the president of the university, believes these new regulations will enable students to relax more. “We were just tired of hearing so many complaints from students about how difficult their lives are in April, so we decided to change the whole basis for success at our school,” said Stone.

But as much as the Idle No More movement received press coverage, and as much as Attawapiskat First Nation Chief Theresa Spence’s hunger strike got people talking about issues facing Canadian indigenous people, nothing changed. It seems like the majority of Canadians have been comforted by a return of silence.

I would lament to others what a bad job our school did at promoting school spirit and how little unity there was on campus. I wanted U of O to break through my better judgment and inspire a passion within me that no “Hung like a Gee-Gee” T-shirt ever could… I don’t feel that way anymore

“After countless testimonies and much evidence from both schools, it became unquestionably obvious that the University of Ottawa was far greater than Carleton University. Ottawa U proved to be historically better in several critical categories, including the overall good looks of students, the quality of their taste in all things, and of course general cleanliness and smell.”

“Each category’s winners will be chosen based on specific and impartial qualifications. Acting categories will now be decided based on four criteria: the age of the actor, how many previous unsuccessful nominations the actor has received, the quality of the Hollywood parties thrown on behalf of the actor, and whether or not the actor has ever played a historically important American political figure,” said Lanley.

“Their services just weren’t sustainable. They went out and bought a mahogany record player chest from Value Village, which we allowed because it only cost 25 bucks—but the thing used up the same amount of energy it takes to light the new FSS building,” said Cherdon.

After the first hour, though, it really started to pick up, and by the climax right around the three-hour mark I was completely enthralled. And then my girlfriend ruined it

“We’ve uncovered a massive network of steroid use within dodgeball leagues and it all centres around these athletes. There’s simply no room for cheating in our sport, or at this institution. Just with the magnitude of the situation, we felt we needed to come down hard on the perpetrators to not lose the public’s confidence.”

Being single at our school, however, seems to have the same amount of appeal as falling down a flight of stairs face-first. You see, our campus is suffering from an acute lack of “ready to mingles.”

“The modern sugar daddy is a successful and generous man who is willing to pamper and offer financial help or gifts to a young person in return for friendship and companionship.” Oh, and don’t worry, boys, there are plenty of sugar mamas on the website too.

More widespread and contagious than any virus since the plague, this epidemic spreads not through contact, but by words. This danger is the overuse of the word “literally.”

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