The Tomato

Oxford English Dictionary unveils plans for wordless dictionary In an attempt to stay culturally relevant, the Oxford English Dictionary has announced that its 2016 edition will be written entirely in emoji. This decision comes soon after Oxford University Press (OUP)—the publisher of the dictionary—named an emoji as the “Word of the Year” for 2015. The …

Netflix and Facebook follow Amazon’s lead and build stores Many online giants are following Amazon’s lead and opening storefronts after the company opened a brick-and-mortar bookstore in Seattle on Nov. 2. The most notable company to follow Amazon’s lead is Netflix. Earlier this week, Netflix’s CEO, Reed Hastings, announced in a press conference, that the …

All questions to Prime Minister now returned with generic answer In a prime  example of finding a good sound bite and sticking with it, Justin Trudeau has begun answering every question asked of him with “because it’s 2015.”  His response to a reporter’s question about why a gender equal Cabinet was so important became an …

International fast food chain renames major menu items to make them more realistic McDonald’s has shocked the world by recalling millions of buns, patties and cheese slices from locations across Canada. The move has been described as a “precautionary legal strategy”, as McDonald’s looks to stave off any false advertising lawsuits from the Canadian public. …

The results of Monday’s federal election voting is in, and for the first time in Canadian history, the Rhinoceros party has won a majority government. This result comes as even more of surprise since it wasn’t predicted in any of the major polls, blindsiding many seasoned political analysts.

Rez students left without microwave following holiday mishap Photo: CC, Bill Mubray, Edited by Kim Wiens Several University of Ottawa students are counting their lucky stars after their Thanksgiving dinner plans went awry. The students were trying to capture the festive holiday spirit on campus, since many weren’t able to go home this year. Witnesses …

Student foils deception—Tim Horton’s, U of O face conspiracy allegations Photo: CC, SteFou A U of O student has discovered the existence of a magical beverage that is now coming soon to the University of Ottawa campus. According to sources the beverage is known as an “iced cappuccino”, and is a cold, sweet, creamy drink that …

Staff lets him stay, despite sanitary concerns Photo: Kim Wiens Liam Cook, a first-year communications student, has moved into the new dining hall the second week of classes after seeing all the new amenities the all-you-can-eat, 24/7 cafeteria offers. Cook gave the Tomato an exclusive tour of his new home, after he’d been living there for …

Stunt videos needed to keep ownership of user content Photo: CC-Ed  Gregory, Edits by Kim Wiens This week Facebook announced its decision to collect user photos, videos and information beginning early next year to steal users data for their own use.  This move has lead to a high volume of legal declarations on Facebook feeds, …

Capital Skies hopes to provide relief for commuters stuck in traffic Photo: CC-Perry Hiemer Are you tired of waiting in massive traffic jams caused by Ottawa’s never ending construction? A new company called Capital Skies is trying to make those waits a thing of the past. For a modest fee of $90, the company will pick …

Ottawa divided on new employment issue Illustration: Marta Kierkus A recently surfaced video showing a rat dragging a piece of pizza down a set of stairs on a New York City subway platform has ignited a new debate in the animal rights movement. Activists are demanding for the right to work to apply to rats too, …

Stop the Student Vote points to current political calm Photo: Kim Wiens “Presumably, most of you reading this will not be voting in the upcoming election,” said chapter president Jane Smith. “To anyone that plans to partake in this redundant process, let me enlighten you as to why voting isn’t worth your time.” Smith cited time …

Construction to begin on GOT style ice wall along 49th parallel Photo: Kim Wiens The Canadian government is set to unveil a new form of border protection after Republican candidates’ Scott Walker’s comments about possible terrorist threats entering the United States through Canada, and  Donald Trump’s idea of a wall on the United States’ southern border. …

Are You Still Watching? turns the camera onto viewers Photo: Alamy, Creative Commons Netflix’s latest hit series asks its audience Are You Still Watching? and so far the answer has been a resounding yes. The show consists of a blank screen, silence, and a passive aggressive pop-up message that won’t go away–and yet is so …

It took hours for the City to respond to fallen leaf Photo: Kim Wiens A young leaf’s death in the Ottawa neighbourhood of Sandy Hill in the early morning of July 20 has had a deep uniting effect on the community’s residents. The tragedy, and its aftermath has been compared to the Toronto community’s response …

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