University of Ottawa

During frosh, there was a small protest in front of RBC’s booth at the Clubs and Wellness Fair. Protester Sarah Donnelly shares her story.

Reports began emerging that the UOshow’s opening act, Nic Gignac had (as part of his magic act) asked for five female volunteers to join him on stage and proceeded to guess the colour of their undergarments. Some observers pointed out that at least one of these volunteers was wearing a red wristband, identifying them as under 18 for 101-week events serving alcohol in Quebec.

The faculty of arts is one of the largest faculties at the University of Ottawa. But students, both undergraduate and graduate, have been plagued by budget cuts, poor course availability and the suspension of the school of translations.

best course at the u of o graphic

I’ve never been one for picking favourites. It’s a bit ironic then, perhaps, that I would go ahead and write for a column that revolves around that — and about classes, no less! 

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