Board of Directors

2024-25 Board of Directors

Voting MembersEx-officio (Non-Voting) Members
President: Keelan Buck (Contributor Representative)Executive Director: Simon Coakeley
Chair: Emma Godmere (Continuity Representative)Co-Editor-in-Chief: Kavi Vidya Achar
Secretary: Devin Beauregard (Community Representative) Co-Editor-in-Chief: Andrew Wilimek
Treasurer: Ria Kunkulol (Student Representative)
Director: Bhanu Bhakta Acharya (University Representative) 
Director: Siena Domaradzki-Kim (Contributor Representative) 
Director: Gabrielle Douglas (Student Representative)
Director: Nina Oliveira (Student Representative)
Director: Ryan Pistorius (Community Representative)
Director: Agape Williams (Student Representative)

Join our Board of Directors!

If you are interested in joining our Board of Directors, we would love to hear from you. Please contact [email protected] for more information.


The Board of Directors is a dedicated group of volunteers who meet to discuss financial, legal, HR, operational, and strategic planning matters for The Fulcrum Publishing Society (FPS), with a view to the best interests of the membership and the Corporation. The Board ensures effective governance and oversight of the Fulcrum and efficient management of the Corporation. 

The twelve-member team is elected at the Annual General Meeting and consists of current University of Ottawa students and members of the Fulcrum, University, and community. Vacant board positions are advertised throughout the year. The Board takes great pride in providing its members the opportunity to learn and participate in various aspects of not-for-profit governance and develop their expertise in an inclusive and welcoming environment.

Access our bylaws & policies, audits, and most recent budget. The Board meeting minutes are available below. Board meetings take place monthly on the fourth Sunday of the month at 10:00 AM. Anyone is welcome to attend. 

To inquire about the location of the next Board meeting or learn more about the Board or the Corporation, please email [email protected]. 

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes