
The Gee-Gees football team opened up their season last Sunday against McMaster in Hamilton. The Gee-Gees played a good first half but struggled multiple times with costly interceptions and late quarter drives against a strong offensive Marauders team

“Although most of our members are in human kinetics, our club is open to students of all programs that are passionate about learning the business side of sports.” — Zachary Pilling, internal relations with the UOSBC.

“I always touch an outlet with my stick before every period, and I always put my stick in the same place after every period. I’m pretty weird.” — Cody Drover, Gee-Gees forward.

“This award is a true reflection of my uOttawa Men’s Hockey players. They are the ones doing all the work and sacrifices. It’s not about X’s and O’s, it’s all about them playing hard every night and believing in themselves.’’ — Patrick Grandmaitre, Gee-Gees head men’s hockey coach.

“We’re going to see this team again. We don’t take this lightly—we’re going to use this as motivation.” —Angela Ribarich, Gee-Gees centre.

“We didn’t know how we would fall relative to the top three teams (Carleton, Lakehead, Nipissing). So it was an exciting event for us to finally be sending a team after so long.” —Zeke Williams, U of O Nordiq skiier.

“Truly devastated that this dream season has come to an abrupt end. Our players stayed true to themselves by fighting till the very end. We have great young men and a dedicated staff that deserved better. But that’s sports.” —Patrick Grandmaitre, Gee-Gees head men’s hockey coach.

“It was a game that had a lot on the line, and we did have a high stress level. But you can tell with our press offence that our seniors were struggling with the ball at the end, but a learning experience will be better next time.’’ —Andy Sparks, Gee-Gees head women’s basketball coach.

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