The Tomato

Stop the Student Vote points to current political calm Photo: Kim Wiens “Presumably, most of you reading this will not be voting in the upcoming election,” said chapter president Jane Smith. “To anyone that plans to partake in this redundant process, let me enlighten you as to why voting isn’t worth your time.” Smith cited time …

Construction to begin on GOT style ice wall along 49th parallel Photo: Kim Wiens The Canadian government is set to unveil a new form of border protection after Republican candidates’ Scott Walker’s comments about possible terrorist threats entering the United States through Canada, and  Donald Trump’s idea of a wall on the United States’ southern border. …

Are You Still Watching? turns the camera onto viewers Photo: Alamy, Creative Commons Netflix’s latest hit series asks its audience Are You Still Watching? and so far the answer has been a resounding yes. The show consists of a blank screen, silence, and a passive aggressive pop-up message that won’t go away–and yet is so …

It took hours for the City to respond to fallen leaf Photo: Kim Wiens A young leaf’s death in the Ottawa neighbourhood of Sandy Hill in the early morning of July 20 has had a deep uniting effect on the community’s residents. The tragedy, and its aftermath has been compared to the Toronto community’s response …

Students who regularly pass through the University Centre (UCU) are still reeling from a violent brawl that resulted in more than a dozen injuries.

The roughhousing involved the various groups that normally use the large hallways of the UCU to practise their funky dance moves. Reports vary on what exactly triggered the incident, but several eyewitnesses claim it was caused by a turf dispute.

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