If he’s always jolly, goes ghost during the holiday season, and checks his list twice — that’s not your man. That’s St. Nick!
If he’s always jolly, goes ghost during the holiday season, and checks his list twice — that’s not your man. That’s St. Nick!
What do you do when your partner’s love language is sending TikToks…of the strangest relationship trends?
When you’ve found your soulmate and want to put a ring on it, but worried about what your friends will say? Di’s got you covered.
“Instagram romance can be like ordering sushi at a gas station: sometimes it’s a delight, but it’s a gastrointestinal disaster waiting to happen.”
Sharing your struggles with them might be nerve-wracking, but it also gives your partner the chance to be there for you in meaningful ways.
I’m a multi-tasker and I’m not just talking about having a record on each hand, if y’know what I’m saying.
I just watched ‘Love Actually’ for the first time and audibly scoffed at multiple scenes that made my girlfriend cry. She has watched the movie every December for years and I could tell that all of the tropes I found laughable were actually having a profound impact on the person I love.
Am I too trusting and do I need to be more discerning? In the most unflattering terms: am I desperate?
If your boyfriend can’t let go of the habit and takes these responses as gospel, start making accounts to respond to his posts. “Yes you’re the ass hole and you should apologize by: *insert chore/sexual favours*.”
If you are looking for a life partner and are bored this early on, I’ll encourage you to stop wasting both your own time and the time of your current partner.
Di Daniels, the fulcrum’s resident sex and relationship expert advises on how/if to judge a relataionship while single.
I will always pick the funny and sweet guy over the cool and interesting one.
He is only attracted to narcissistic ‘queens’ on the show, what does that say about me?
Can you still be friends with someone after a breakup? Is it even worth it?
Since I found out I am a squirter, I’ve been really embarrassed about it and haven’t been comfortable finishing with anyone since.
I have been in a happy relationship throughout the summer. We spent plenty of time together, and always made plans for when we’d see each other next. Now that classes have started, we’ve both become busier people. Unfortunately, I am struggling with seeing my partner less often, wondering when we’re going to make plans, and simply, dealing with getting less attention. Do you have any advice to help me adjust to these changes?
So you’re thinking about dating a Gemini. Spoiler: don’t.
If Tinder bios tell us anything, we know that Jim and Pam pretty much serve as relationship goals for this generation. We don’t blame you for that, but workplace relationships can be a little trickier than NBC would have you think.
So you’re into older people? Don’t worry, DI has got you covered.
You’ve contracted an STI, got it diagnosed, and got your antibiotics. Now it’s time for the hardest part — telling your partner(s) they have it too.
Is your travel fling coming to an end? Do you plan on hooking up with strangers abroad this summer? If you’re looking for advice on these issues, you’ve come to the right place.
If people are using a dating app, they may very well be using more than one, or even way more than one, or alternating between them. Why limit their choices?
Does being in a long-term relationship lessen your university experience?
Is going down getting you down? Our sex columnist Di Daniels has the answers to all your oral sex questions.
Should you get tested for STIs if you’re using a condom and showing no signs of infection? How to tell your partner you have an STI. Dear Di answers your sexual health questions.