A gaggle of geese has been spotted tussling in a Vanier park in what can only be described as a “fight club.”
A gaggle of geese has been spotted tussling in a Vanier park in what can only be described as a “fight club.”
Squat, a raccoon who was fined $150 for speeding on an electric scooter, has just been elected as the UOSU’s first safety commissioner.
The president of a local white supremacy group has stepped down from his role following the win of Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden.
The University of Ottawa has announced plans for a virtual campus as a new expansion pack on Sims 4.
The University of Ottawa Students’ Union is attempting to increase the general knowledge of their existence to the U of O population. This week, the awareness campaign was taken to the popular streaming platform, Twitch, with underwhelming results.
Captain Federicks has gone missing at sea after failing to properly address several issues on the S.S. Gee-Gee.
Demon summoned by roommates on Halloween won’t go back to where it came from…
After being brave enough to remove the charger and earphones from the package the iPhone 12 comes in for environmental reasons, Apple has decided to take it a step further, announcing that the next iPhone, named the iPhone Air, will come without the phone.
The Tomato welcomes a guest editor, a certain famous fly, to share some thoughts on its television debut.
The University of Ottawa squirrel community has gathered in celebration of Squirrel Awareness Month, to reflect on another year.
Finston Currents — an entrepreneuring, fitness-lovin shark — reflects on the success of his fitness brand, Gymshark.
Commission on Presidential Debates believes that hosting a live stream over the popular 2018 party game is the best depiction of democracy.
Lots of Ottawa residents have been making the most of the scattered electric scooters. But did one raccoon take it too far?
Full of charisma, enthusiasm, and great dance moves, team mascots always keep fans on their feet. They deserve a lot of thanks — and a name.
uOShow is the University of Ottawa’s annual concert to welcome in the new class of students. But this year’s headliner is unlike any other.
To motivate students, one theatre professor has made bubonic plague-era masks mandatory for all of her classes.
To make sure the results of their Kahoots! are legit, the UOSU has hired a friendly face for additional security.
Here’s a meme about the LRT to get you over your case of the Mondays!
Graham wishes he hadn’t waited until the last minute to check up on this stuff, and regrets not paying more attention to prerequisites during his (admittedly wilder and more carefree) freshman years on campus.
Recently accepted to the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Science to study animal behaviour, the McDonald’s raccoon landed on campus this Thursday to figure out if U of O campus life is a good fit for him. But the visit left the raccoon, and students, questioning whether the U of O is truly the caring and inclusive campus it claims to be.
The Fulcrum is hoping its high praises result in an OSAP amount constituted of mostly grants — like many students, the Fulcrum has no idea how to repay the government loans.
“I mean, I’ve been studying environmental science for almost three years now, and I’ve never come across anything that suggested the possibility of ‘warm weather’ in this city. Maybe I’d be inclined to believe them if this were somewhere like Toronto, but everyone knows that Ottawa just doesn’t have a spring.”
Another student has died by suicide at the University of __________, reports student newspaper, The _________.
Since the eradication of pedestrian walk signal buttons from his ward, Menard has launched an attack on all buttons in general, with no trace of discrimination. The buttons on his office’s microwave, the buttons on all of his clothes, the buttons on his remote control, and the buttons on his home appliances, including his washer and dryer.
Zuckerberg’s sample presentation featured fake news stories the Facebook team plans to promote this election cycle, including headlines such as “Trudeau Pressured Wilson-Raybould to Help Maple Syrup Industry” and “Andrew Scheer Literally Ate A Baby”.